Sunday, February 22, 2009


^ You know what the title is about. So now not to waste time:

Why do you think the school gets the pupils to read every morning?

That's the only thing we are actually allowed to do XD. The rest are not allowed in the school.

Do you like it? Why?

More time to read! XD

Do you like reading? Why?


What kinds of books do you like to read?

I like Geronimo Stilton books, Enid Blyton books, Manga (Japanese Comic) and the Tamagotchi Comics me and my friend draw in our free time XDDDD

Do you think reading will help you with your school work? Why?

Helps with Engrish (English XDD) because books contain lots of language! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

How can the school encourage pupils to read?

*thinking for 1 hour* No idea XD

Could you recommend a book you really like to read? Write the author and tell us why you like to read his/her book?

I really have no favourites. BUT if I had to choose, I'd say Geronimo Stilton. It's so popular. Then again, there's my Tamagotchi Comics, but not everyone likes them XD

And so there you have it! So time for....

Jaa ne, Minna!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

After-school activities

You might wonder why I'm pretty stress about stuff. So if you really want to know...

What are the activities you are involved in outside school from Monday to Sunday?

Monday: IT programme+It Sparxx Club
Tuesday: Higher Achiever
Thursday: Angklung CCA
Friday: Chinese Tution (P4)
Saturday: Chinese Tution (P3, don't ask why X_X)+ Church (I likey church ^___^)

How many days do you spend on these activities?

From looking at the above list of activities, you can tell I have 5 days of after-school activities.

How many hours do you spend in each of these activities?

About two hours

Why are you involved in these activities?

Well, IT Programme is becuse we're in IT Class, Sparxxey (My nickname for Sparxx club XD) is for my enjoyment, Higher Achiever because I was chosen, Angklung=CCA, tution is to enhance my Chinese, and church because I'm christian *pant pant*. What a long speech X_x

Do you think these activities are necessary for you? If 'Yes', how have these activities help you? If 'No', why are you taking part in these activities?

Of course! I have improved very much in chinese. Church helps me to do the right decisions in life.

Do you think these activities affect your school work/studies? If so, how?

Yes. Why? Easy. NO TIME FOR HOMEWORK X_________________X

Do you feel stressed with all these activities? Explain

Except for church, I am very stressed with these stuff. If only I had more time to do my homework X____________________________________________X

In your opinion, do you think pupils should be involved in outside school activities? Why?

It really depends on how they're doing. Only they can control themselves. No one else...well, except God XD

So now time for....

Jaa ne, Minna!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Target Setting phase 2 XD

Moshi Moshi, minna! I'm going to answer some questions for Target Setting Phase 2 (actually just recapping on the targets XD).

What is the purpose of setting targets for the various subjects?

Let's prepare you for whatever it is.

Do you think this is useful? If 'Yes', why? If not, why?

Of course! Though sometimes you have to go with the flow~take it a little easy, yet be prepared no matter what!

How did you go about setting the targets for yourself?

Me myself, I actually just did what Mdm Phua told me to do, but maybe there's more, who knows?

What are you doing to help you achieve your target? Do you have a plan? If so, what is it?

Yes, me myself I DO have a plan. Well, more like my PARENTS. They are making me read my textbooks when I still have time after I do my homework. I'm a bit lazy, so I always insist on reading science.

How are your parents helping you achieve your targets?

Please see my previous answer XD

What will you do to motivate yourself towards achieving the targets?

That's one tough question to I have no idea at the moment.

What do you think your teacher/the school can help you achieve the targets?

More quizzes, more interative learning games. But Mdm Phua says only if we cooperate.

Well, that sums up EVERYTHING. And now for my favorite goodbye phrase....

Jaa ne, Minna~

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Total Defence 2009

Moshi Moshi, Minna! This year, we're having our Total Defence Blogging competition. 09's TD (Total Defence) theme is 'What will you defend?'. Me? Besides my God, the most important thing to me is my friends and family. I simply CANNOT live without them. My parents love me like 10k of gold. My brother is always willing to help me, especially if his endorphin level is at maximum. Haha. He also gives me tips on drawing. My uncle, aunties, cousins, even my 'nephew' Marc, what would I do without them? My friends too. My two best friends from church were Tammy and Caitlyn (You might not know them).

Unfortunatly I'm not the most polite person on the block XD. If you make me enough, I become angry, rude and rough. The worst case is when my brother's endorphin level is low, we both become angry.

Of course, that doesn't mean I hate him. If anyone tries to hurt my family or friends, I WILL SERIOUSLY SHOVE THAT PERSON OUT OF THE WINDOW! Oops, enhanced emotion. Haha.

So yeah, I will defend my family and friends by standing up for them, despite the fact I'm the youngest. Sometimes I like to brag about my brother's drawings. Call me idiot if you want, I think they're a work of art! My parents and friends also make jokes, so what's not to defend them for?

So now I guess I have to say......

Jaa ne, Minna!