Sunday, February 8, 2009

Target Setting phase 2 XD

Moshi Moshi, minna! I'm going to answer some questions for Target Setting Phase 2 (actually just recapping on the targets XD).

What is the purpose of setting targets for the various subjects?

Let's prepare you for whatever it is.

Do you think this is useful? If 'Yes', why? If not, why?

Of course! Though sometimes you have to go with the flow~take it a little easy, yet be prepared no matter what!

How did you go about setting the targets for yourself?

Me myself, I actually just did what Mdm Phua told me to do, but maybe there's more, who knows?

What are you doing to help you achieve your target? Do you have a plan? If so, what is it?

Yes, me myself I DO have a plan. Well, more like my PARENTS. They are making me read my textbooks when I still have time after I do my homework. I'm a bit lazy, so I always insist on reading science.

How are your parents helping you achieve your targets?

Please see my previous answer XD

What will you do to motivate yourself towards achieving the targets?

That's one tough question to I have no idea at the moment.

What do you think your teacher/the school can help you achieve the targets?

More quizzes, more interative learning games. But Mdm Phua says only if we cooperate.

Well, that sums up EVERYTHING. And now for my favorite goodbye phrase....

Jaa ne, Minna~


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