Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Olympics!

Hi, it's Deborah again :P. I'm here to answer a few questions about the Olympics:

1.What is the origin of 'Olympics'?
an alternative myth has the hero Pelops (from which the name of the Peloponnese region of Greece originates) establish the festival after defeating King Oenomaus in a chariot race.
2. Why is it such an important event in sports?
It, besides being a competition, can also make athletes friends with other Athletes from around the world. It also brings self-discipline, determination, self-confidence, intergrity and more.
3. Have you watched any Olympic event? Why/Why not?
Unfortunatly, I haven't, when the Olympics happen my family are usually out for dinner or just diddly-dallying
4. Which athlete/s or event impresses you most? Why?
Um..I don't know! XD Maybe the Singapore team? Argh......
5. Would you like to participate in the Olympics Games? If so, what event would you like to take part and why?
I need to think about it...seriously. BUT, if I did I would like to take part in tennis =D. It's the only think I can play so far........

Well..there you have it!
