Sunday, July 27, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony was a really good day! Firstly, because of the activities, THERE WAS NO LESSONS! =D. After assembly, Mdm. Phua (AKA cyberqueen) showed us a video of the singapore riots in the 1990's. We should be really grateful that we can live in peace now. Then we were told about the activities. Then we went back to class, put our bags and...WENT FOR A 1 HOUR RECESS! I was lazy so I didn't try any traditional food ;_;. After recess we watched a skit on the importance of being K.PO (How do you spell that????). Then we went back to class to do the munga manga. After a few minutes, we went back home!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Have you ever heard of CYBERBULLYING? Well I'm sure you do. Let me answer some questions so you'll get a better idea.

1. What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is like normal bullying, only that you do it on the web.

2. What do the cyberbullies do to others?
They use bad languages, gossip about others, you know. But what about making people left out in CLIQUES? Maybe that's a possiblity...

3. Why do these people engage in cyberbullying?
Mainly because they want to look cool or maybe they got bullied as well. But Cyberbullies are cowards! Remember: If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

4. How can you stop these people from cyberbullying ?
We cannot just STOP them end of story. But we can do things so they don't feel like bullying you.

5. Have you encountered any cyberbullies when you surf the internet? If so, what did they do
to you? How did you stop the cyberbully/cyberbullies from bullying you?
I haven't so far. But as for the prevention part, here are some things:

  • If someone online types in all caps, UYN! And Don't Type back.
  • Stand up tall and tell people NO!
  • Ignore what they say and tell a trusted adult

6. What would you tell the cyberbullies and their victims?
As I said before, we cannot just stop cyberbullies. But we can stay away from cyberbullies by ignoring them. So Use Your Netsmartz!


Etiquette? Nettiquette!

Konichiwa everyone! Now, I'm going to answer a few questions on Nettiquette and what it's all about

1. Write down two ways in which you can show your netiquette when youe communicating in cyberspace
Well, I would use nice, pleasant words, not waste people's time and use smilies instead of caps!

2. Why do you think netiquette is important?
Imagine if nobody used Nettiquette, there would a lot of flaming, annoying people and CAPS. I don't think I would like that! So if we use Nettiquette, we'll be able to enjoy the internet.

3. Can you write down some instances of people who did not observe netiquette? What were the things they did and what do you think of these acts?
Well there are obviously SPAMmers on the internet. On one of these websites I go onto, a SPAMmer broke in(Not recently) and started posting in caps :S-C-R-E-W YOU ALL! YOU ARE LITTLE ****** WHO LIKE EATING CHEESCAKE IN THE SEWER! DIE!!!
Simple at the point, a few got offended by this and to make matters worse, the SPAMmer and another SPAMmer starting SPAMing else where. Finally, the Staff of the website got fed up, deleted their posts and accounts. So there you have it. SPAMing can offened others to!

4. What advice would you give your friend about netiquette?
Bassically, Here are a few I would tell:

  • Don't Start Flame wars! This means to use mean and UGLY words to hurt people and then it starts a flame war. Yuck. If you run into a person who uses bad language, DO NOT TYPE BACK. Ignore them, turn off the monitor and tell a trusted adult
  • SPAMing is always wrong, don't post pointless stuff to waste time. Not only are they annoying, but sometimes they can offened others. Remember that story about the SPAMmer I told earlier on?
  • Come on guys! UYN! Respect other's privacy or secrets. If a friend tells you information, don't post it. There are strangers on the internet.

Well that's all I have to say!

//Ojamajo Leena! (My new nickname)