Thursday, March 27, 2008

****** Chain letters XP

Now you may ask me "What's a chain letter?"


It's something like this:

PLEASE DON'T READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, you've started, now you can't stop, you'll be kissed by the love of your life by the nearest possible Monday. You will have good luck for the rest of your life. However if you don't send this message to 30 people in 2 hours or delete this message you will die. copy and paste this, to be saved
That's not EXCATLY one, it's an example I made up. DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!! They're junk, and SPAM. They may be scary, but they're TOTAL JUNK!


Blogger Hana said...

Yep, I sent one chain letter to the exact amount of people they said that my crush will tell me they like me, but there was not even one call or visit to make my crush say hello nand I like you! So listen to her! They're total JUNK!

March 30, 2008 at 7:03 PM

Blogger Samantha said...

i don't usually believe that i WILL die just because of that. It's like, a person comes says 'hi' and then tells u the next moment u r going to die tommorrow. I heard this message at youtube or somewhere before.

April 13, 2008 at 11:51 PM

Blogger Deborah said...

Kutchipatchi from hawaii: Hi *kicks but of all the chain letter starters*

April 17, 2008 at 5:46 AM


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